At High Grade, our CBD and CBG cultivars have a five year track record of field performance.

From improved auto flower lines to early finishers and CBG varietals, we are constantly developing and releasing innovative new hemp strains. Choosing High Grade genetics is a wise investment. All of our varietals are proven performers, produced with your end-result in mind.

Our team of expert farmers, scientists, and partners pride themselves, not only on the quality of CBD and CBG they produce, but also on maintaining sound practices with a focus on fair and sustainable partnerships.

We see our work in the hemp industry as an important opportunity to create change in the world. Our team of experts are on the cutting edge of driving innovation and growth.

How it started

High Grade Hemp Seed was one of the first licensed hemp farms in the United States and has been pivotal in the reintroduction of hemp to the global supply chain. Founder and CEO Bodhi Urban and the High Grade team introduced foundational hemp strains such as Berry Blossom and Cherry Wine that are the basis of hemp genetics today.

Our mission

We understand the unique opportunity that lies in industrial hemp, and we are here to support the hemp farming community by pairing our unrivaled genetics with stellar customer service and access to top-tier resources that improve crop performance and support success.

Founded 2011

Proven track record.

32 Employees

Who are the best at what they do

24/7 Support

Get in touch! We’re here to help.

80 Million Seeds+

There’s a reason farmers choose us.


At High Grade, our focused breeding program and partnerships help farmers grow proven, strong and diverse genetics. Paving the way with cannabinoids like CBG, has been a logical next step – both in advancing the agricultural industry and also in improving the availability of CBG products to U.S. consumers. As always, we’ll continue to push R&D in an effort to lead the hemp industry into new growth. 


Growing hemp can seem intimidating. The good news is that High Grade Hemp Seed has paved the way since 2011. Our unmatched genetics and track record in the field can drive your success.

Nearly 500,000 acres of hemp are estimated to be grown across the US in the 2020 season, and farmers anticipate peak return. High Grade projects sales of hundreds of millions of hemp seeds globally with production capacity for hundreds of millions of hemp seeds, available for delivery nationwide.

Our unparalleled network of farmers, distributors and researchers reflects our worldwide commitment to powering our industry.


CBG is a cannabinoid we chose to focus on due to its powerful efficacy in early trials. Over the past few years, more and more research has been conducted to understand the value of CBG. Our partner Matthias Ghidossi, founder of Swiss Cannabinoid, has been working for years to cultivate his own terpene and cannabinoid-rich crops. Through a science-based approach, he surveyed thousands of varietals. In 2016, it became clear that the varietal of choice should not only be terpene-focused, but also CBG dominant. Working with several European geneticists and a Swiss pharmaceutical company on trials, we landed on Matterhorn CBG. We’re excited to bring this unique varietal to the market in 2020. Reserve yours now for April delivery.


Since this varietal is day neutral and will essentially go into bloom shortly after establishing the tap root, we have seen the best performance direct seeding and irrigating with drip tape or pivot irrigation. If this type of irrigation is not an option you can still propagate in Ellepots but it is crucial they’re transplanted within two weeks of emergence so they can establish their roots prior to flowering. Often, planting density is tighter as you will try to shade out weeds before the canopy grows. We recommend 10,000-20,000 plants per acre. When planting the auto flower varieties we recommend prime and coated seed into direct ground with plant tape application and/or using a precision planter to skip the step of going into flats.


Our hemp seeds are unrivaled. We deliver top-quality CBD and CBG hemp seedlings to you via our network of the largest greenhouse producers in the country. The advantages of purchasing hemp seeds over traditional seed is that you often get better performance in the field. With seeds you have 100% confirmation on germination rate and a strong taproot helps ensure plant vigor. Seeds are typically less susceptible to pathogens and mold.

Order your truck load of seeds now and schedule a delivery date based on your planting needs. 

At High Grade, we understand market demand and are committed to producing high-quality feminized hemp seeds