Red Bordeaux™ Hemp Strain

Lineage: Chardonnay x Berry Blossom
Original Breeder: Bodhi Urban | High Grade Hemp Seed

High Grade Hemp Seed’s Red Bordeaux strain brings out the best of our genetic catalog. The High Grade Hemp Seed cultivation team put serious time and resources into breeding our celebrated Chardonnay and Berry Blossom varietals. The Red Bordeaux hemp strain is the result of this mix of incredible genetics and hard work.

Terpene Profiles: overtones of fresh cut strawberries and crushed lavender with hints of cherry and gasoline.

Red Bordeaux In The Field

Difficulty: Easy to farm
Resiliency: Vigorous grower
Compliance: CBD: 8.67% THC: .25%
Cycle: Average

Red Bordeaux is a standout CBD hemp strain that has gained critical acclaim across the hemp industry. Importantly, Red Bordeaux hemp is a cross between these two top performers that farmers have come to know and love.

Because it is a robust grower that produces quality flowers, this hemp strain is a great way to diversify the genetics at your hemp farm. Red Bordeaux also has a complex terpene profile and great CBD levels.

Growing Red Bordeaux

Hemp growers cherish Red Bordeaux because it grows reliably and finishes on time. Because of these characteristics, outdoor farmers can trust that Red Bordeaux flowers will mature before the fall freeze sets in.

Red Bordeaux hemp seeds consistently germinate within 48 hours. Even more, you can trust that 95% of your Red Bordeaux seeds will germinate – this fact proves quite reassuring for the budget-conscious farmer. Finally, our feminization rates are off the charts with only one male per 4,000 females.

Red Bordeaux is available as seeds. This hemp strain takes 8-9 weeks to reach maturity and is ready for harvest in late September to early October. The High Grade Hemp Seed team recommends planting 2,000 to 3,500 hemp plants per acre.

You can count on Red Bordeaux producing 2,500 to 3,000 lb per acre of dry whole plant material.

Red Bordeaux Compliance & THC Levels

CBD: 8.67%
THC: 0.25%

Coming in with CBD levels at 8.67% and THC levels at 0.25%, Red Bordeaux offers an excellent CBD to THC ratio. Importantly, there is enough of each cannabinoid present in the flowers for a solid entourage effect. Yet, the Red Bordeaux hemp strain still falls well within the federal THC limits for hemp of 0.3%.

Red Bordeaux Hemp Flowers

As a hybrid, Red Bordeaux hemp flowers bring out the finest characteristics of our popular Chardonnay and Berry Blossom varietals. When consumed, this celebrated hemp strain has the mental relaxing qualities of Chardonnay and the body calm of Berry Blossom.

The Red Bordeaux terpene profile is one of a kind. With Red Bordeaux hemp flowers, you can expect overtones of fresh cut strawberries and crushed lavender with hints of cherry and gasoline. This rare terpene profile will keep your customers happy and coming back for more.

Because of the strain’s incredible terpenes, Red Bordeaux flowers are commonly smoked on their own. If you are interested in getting into the boutique hemp flowers vertical, Red Bordeaux offers an excellent option. You will develop a dedicated customer base with this indica-dominant hybrid that offers incredible relaxing effects.


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